Nowadays it’s extremely easy for a dishonest person to modify information for their own benefit, and your loss. Information is not verified by providers and is usually out of date. When you’re buying a car, one of the biggest purchases in your entire life, it’s vital to be sure that it’s worth the money you’re paying and that it’s absolutely safe for you to drive. If you’re not buying what you agreed to, you could potentially be risking your hard-earned investment or even your safety.

Due to these factors, we have created a system that will solve all current problems with vehicle history. VINchain is creating a worldwide blockchain registry of used vehicle information that is 100% transparent, reliable and accessible by all. The blockchain will guarantee that vehicle data has not been falsified, changed or deleted.

During the process of development, in addition to the flexible API, a mobile application, business solution and system will be created for dealers, insurance companies and manufacturers.

Our platform is an open system, so anyone can join and benefit from our network. VINchain will provide you with 100% reliable and accurate information about the car you’re considering for purchase, so you can be absolutely sure that you’re getting your money’s worth and that it’s safe to drive!

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