Блог VINchain

Al Iktissad Wal Aamal in partnership with Smart Dubai will be launching the UNLOCK Forum between January 14th-15th 2018 at Ritz Carlton Hotel DIFC. Because of the growing popularity of blockchain technology one of the richest city Dubai decided to... узнать больше...

Vinchain in 2018! Happy New Year!

It is 2018 already!!! Congratulations to all of you! We want to say that during this New Year we are going to work reall... узнать больше...

Сheck your wallets, all the tokens are already there!

As you all know Vinchain presale is over. We want to congratulate you and to say big thank you for supporting our projec... узнать больше...

The first goal is achieved! Vinchain pre-Sale is Over!

The presale of Vinchain tokens is over and we want to congratulate Vinchain team and all of you on this special occasion... узнать больше...

6 Reasons Why Vinchain Token will be in Great Demand

The close presale has come and gone with us being able to sell a total of 1,000,000 tokens. Though it came as a surprise... узнать больше...

Meet Our New Valuable Advisor — Hillik Nissani

For any start-up, having a map of businesses which have done the same thing and succeeded is an honour. Ever since the b... узнать больше...

Attention! We Have Important News!

We decided to double the amount of tokens you get for your purchase. Earlier you could get 10,000 tokens per 1 ETH, now... узнать больше...

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