vin token number

the VINchain App Now!

Install the VINchain app and unlock a world of possibilities for your vehicle and driving!

Stay in touch with your car

The application will allow you to receive discounts on car maintenance, service, refueling, and washing, help you find a car on a huge parking lot, and even remotely control your vehicle!

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latest autonomous vehicle technology

Install the app with one tap

You can choose an easy to install VINchain device, so you can deliver real-time data from your vehicle straight to our blockchain system.

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Know Your Driving Score

The VINchain app will collect statistics pertaining to your driving style, give tips on how to drive more economically, and even offer discounts on insurance premiums. You will receive scores for particular periods of driving, starting from the moment you register in our system.

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Road Assistance & Emergency Calling

VINchain will keep the customer confident and safe. In case of an accident or emergency, the mobile application will suggest best towing companies and roadside assistance (which will also accept VINchain tokens as a form of payment).

Easy to Install and Get Started

The VINchain application will help you unlock new opportunities and be more satisfied with the car you have!

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Save up to 30% on your insurance policy

Before VinChain your insurance premiums were generalized and based on age, location, and gender. So even if you are a safe driver, you would still get charged more because of other bad drivers in your category.

Lower Premiums

VinChain assesses your driving and can provide your insurance company with this information. They will in return create a policy that is unique to you and based on your actual driving, and not on generalized statistics.

Pay As You Drive

Many insurance companies offer special ‘pay as you drive’ programs as a reward for good drivers

Improved Driving

VinChain will collect statistics on your driving style and will provide you with tips how to improve your skills and to lower your policy premium

Service Reminders

Our system will analyze your driving behavior and based on this information will suggest would be the most optimal time for your next service visit.

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Dealership Communication

The VINchain app will make communicating with your dealer easier than it’s ever been before! The app will enable multiple forms of contact including chats, phone calls, feedback forms, and call back requests.

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Loyalty Program

You will receive discounts for using the same services you already use, without carrying a huge amount of loyalty cards. Our application will store the usage history of all discounts from all of our partners!

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Gas Stations

With access to your geolocation, VINchain will tell you where the nearest and most convenient gas stations are located in your area.

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Gamification: Add elements of game-playing to your driving.


Save Fuel

The VINchain app will score your fuel consumption and show you how you can improve your score.

Safe Driving

The VINchain app will score your driving and give you tips on how you can improve your score.

Brand Loyalty

The VINchain app will help you to learn more about all the features of your vehicle, and be award you for advanced usage.


User Experience


Progress Scores

Leader Boards

Be recognized for your achievements: You can show off on social media!

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